The Bird’s Word Blog
Belize is in the Air

Sally Grimes-Chesak, Director of Marketing and Family Programs, and Lené Miller, Adventure Specialist, are off to Belize this week. How much do you know about this pint-sized, adventure-packed country? (Photo: Climb ancient Mayan ruins on your Belizean adventure.)
Pop Quiz
- What language is spoken in Belize?
- What was Belize called before it was called Belize?
- What is the average yearly temperature in Belize?
- Who is going to Belize later this week to scout out the best possible itinerary for Journeys travelers?
- English
- British Honduras
- 84 degrees Fahrenheit
- Journeys’ staff members Lené Minder and Sally Grimes
If you’ve never thought about Belize for a Journeys International vacation, think again. This small country nestled between Mexico and Guatemala is an easy flight from the United States, and with a population density of only 35 people per square mile, offers an abundance of jungles, wildlife reserves, flora and fauna, not to mention the largest cave system in Central America.
Journeys International has already built three amazing Belize itineraries, including one specifically for families. But we’re never done exploring at Journeys, so we are going back for more. Later this week, staff members Lené and Sally will arrive in Belize for a whirlwind tour aimed at meeting the most knowledgeable guides, seeing the new and improved lodges and resorts, adventuring into unknown places by horseback, rappel, canoe, and foot, all with the goal of putting together yet another fantastic itinerary for savvy and curious Journeys travelers.
Want to follow along? Like us on Facebook for photos and updates every day (or as often as WiFi connections will allow) and catch a glimpse into what your Belize adventure could look like.

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